Can Homosexuals Be Religious? That has been a question for the ages, it seems. Looking at most religious movements these days and their attacks against the LGBT community, their refusal to support Marriage Equality, as well as the many protests that this has created from both the "men of faith" and the LGBT community, it would seem that a compromise cannot be made.
It is a sad fact that 'queer' people are turned away from all forms of spiritual expression as a result of the bigotry that can be found in many parts of the world. Many religionists whom are already in fear or hatred of the Gay Community and then take misinterpreted verses from books in the Bible such as Leviticus and Paul's Epistle to the Romans and immediately jump to the conclusion that homosexuals are hated by God and, as such, have no place in their churches or places of worship. From this has caused widespread atheism for so many gay people that it would make one think that all religions hate a large minority group within the country. Unfortunate.
While I could very well place an argument against Bible-invoked bigotry, stating things such as: The Biblical Jesus never said anything against gay people; King David in the book of Samuel had a same-sex coupling with Jonathan, the first born son of Saul; and that the few biblical verses that attack same sex coupling had nothing to do with God's disapproval, but instead reflect the plights of the early Jews and Christians trying to separate themselves from the pagan religions of the time (whom did practice same sex bonding)... That is not the intent of this post. (However, I encourage everyone to do their research on these matters before jumping to rash conclusions.)
I once told a man I was interested in dating that I was a very religious person and I could not believe the reaction I received from him. This man called me foolish because religion (and I think he meant Fundamentalist Christianity) specifically forbade homosexual activities and that I shouldn't waste my time pursuing a divinely inspired life when I would only be hated for doing so.
I asked him: "Which religion are you referring to? As far as I can tell: Unity Church, the Episcopal Church, Wicca, Hindu Tantra, MCC Congregations, Native American Spirituality and certain forms of Judaism are all VERY accepting towards homosexuals and there might be many more faiths that I have not thought of. "
In the end, it did not go well for my seduction of this man, but hopefully, I had given him some food for thought. There are many religious movements that are openly accepting of homosexuals. Just because we see lots of press from powerful congregations spewing hatred towards the gay population does not mean that all religion is dead to them.
But it goes further than this, for if a gay person decides just to affiliate solely with a pro-gay religious movement (let's say Wicca for this example), it creates other problems in that person's life. Given the above scenario, yes, the homosexual finds satisfaction with his path, but at the same time, he is still exposed to the paths that despise his minority group. All that creates is a spiritual duality of "My God is better than your God." I find that we can go much further than this.
It is all well to find a niche of faith in which a gay person can be comfortable with his personal expression of divinity, but we can ascend beyond this point even more so.
In the Gospels, Jesus gave two commandments which he claimed contained the fulfillment of the old laws of the Pentateuch. He said to "Love God with all your heart and all your soul" and to "Love thy neighbor as thyself". And what does that mean? It means that Love is the fulfillment of our duties in this world and with our highest selves. And while it is regrettable that this train of thought is not more widely accepted in our world, it does give us an ideal as how to proceed within our lives.
Eventually, we must come to the ideal that God (in whatever way you view Hir) loves us despite how different we are from each other. And from that omni-benevolent love, we can pour forth that kind of love back to our higher natures as well as to all others.
Then religion does not become a moral creed for daily life, a cultural phenomenon amongst a wide mass of people, nor a group of institutions that control the masses. Instead it becomes a calling to our own self actualization, faith becomes a pathway to our highest selves.
And from that, gay people can look at God and feel security and hope that they are not forsaken by the divine source. They can know that they have as much purpose as heterosexual people in the knowledge that they are showered with divine love without limit, despite how difficult life may seem at times.
As far as I view myself and my fellow gays, I go by the Native American viewpoint that homosexuals are in fact Two Spirited. That we have a male and female spirit within us by virtue of our design. The Native Americans not only considered their gays to be a third gender with a unique place in their society, but also considered them spiritually advanced because of their spiritual members. For the most part, Two Spirited people, given their nature, were better candidates for shamanism and spiritual counseling. We were important within the tribe.
Sadly, many gay people are left without such ideas. Most lean towards atheism in the thought that religions are out to get them. The idea that God is Love sounds like rehashed nonsense that is never practiced, while other ideas confirming a gay identity in a spiritual context are left unheard. This must stop.
I have met several gay people that have had spiritual lives even more active than my own. Gay men who serve active roles within churches as either employees with earned reputations and even as clergy of their groups. I have even met a few gay men who have even enjoyed lives as spiritual counselors. These men are pioneers in their own right and I heartily celebrate them.
In my own life, I have seen countless prayers (and spells) of mine answered, I have enjoyed mystical experiences which have led me to rise higher on my journey, and I have even enjoyed many talks with my own Highest Self, leading me into greater and greater illumination.
I know for a fact that homosexuals are more than competent at developing their spiritual faculties and having amazing godward lives. Their orientation does not make them to be some downtrodden souls. It shows them just how far they can rise.
And I wish this on all.
LVX Amor!
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