Sunday, August 14, 2011

On Smiles and the Numinous Power they Possess

I have been so blessed in my life to be able to partake in the many miracles of the world all around me. Where I am now, I see much joy in my life, and I am so very grateful for that. I am blessed to have a loving family that happily support me. I am blessed to have a wonderful job that brings me fulfillment. I am blessed to be surrounded by love and holy desire from those I meet. And I am blessed to have the care of the Godhead, whom shines down on me with utter grace. And you know what? That brings a smile to my face.

Yes, a smile. It is so simple and basic to human existence, and yet it is one of the greatest powers we possess. Try doing so right now. Smile (no matter how you are feeling in this moment) and you will see that you begin to feel a lot better. The act of moving our lips in such a way sends dopamine into our brain. A chemical reaction that makes us feel better occurs in us simply by trying. This is a numinous gift.

What's more is that this is a gift that keeps on giving. Your smile has the power to inspire joy in others as much as it does for yourself. Try it out the next you chance you get. Smile from your heart and direct that at another person. A smile is infectious. People tend to feel happier when they see other people expressing joy. It doesn't always work if the person you smile at is stuck in feelings of negativity and doesn't want to release those, but most of the time, it does. And it is a truly magical ability we all have. A smile is the ability to simulate feelings of happiness and spread that happiness towards others. The best part is that it does not cost you a thing.

I have seen the power of my own smile make an impact in the world around me. At my job and out on the town, I do my best to keep a grin on my face no matter what mycurrent situation is, and combined with a kind word or two, it really does make a difference in the lives of others.

Two nights ag, I was approached at work by a patient I had seen in the past. I had barely spoken with her, but I had given her a warm smile and had wished her a great day. As this woman cme to me, she told me that when I had done so to her, it had completely brightened her day after feeling incredibly depressed (even contemplating ideas of suicide). My small gift of joy to her, which I had thought nothing of, had made a difference to her. It had gotten her smiling too, and with that began a little more joy and courage to face on another day of sickness, to work one more step towards healing. And you know what? that put a smile on my face to hear that. And then the joy spread even more.

It truly is that simple yet powerful. Within all of us is the power to bring joy to ourselves an others. It is a gift best shared. It enlivens the spirit and makes the heart grow fond. Give yourself this gift often and share it with as many as you can.

Remember! Your Smile can literally change the world!

LVX Amor!

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