Saturday, May 28, 2011

On Escapism and Fantasy

(Here is the second of two parts on making wishes, following desire, and manifesting one's dreams. I hope you enjoy.)

Two days ago I posted on the miracle of making a wish and seeing it come true. However, this post will not be as bright and cheery as the last one, as I will be discussing something very serious I see in regards to trying to fulfill one's wishes. The shadow side to hope, it would seem.

If you haven't gotten a hint from the title of this post, it is about relying too much on fantasy as a means of escape from the real world. I see this many times in my experiences with the young, and have been stuck in this very hole many long times.

I am a member of a website titled: where i was formerly known as "Twilar Sylaethus", but changed my name to "Faerie_King" after complications arose which I will not delve into in this post. The site is a living forum on developing psychokinetic abilities and is mainly populated by pre-teens and teenagers wanting to become telekinetic or any of the other "Kinesis'". While it is a nice idea of people showing each other the ropes in learning psychic abilities, there are still many problems to overcome as far as the majority of the members.

You guessed it! Escapism from the real world delved into too much fantasy. I am not saying that psychokinetic phenomena does not exist. Far from it, I am a whole hearted believer in such things as I have seen it done as well as done some minor things in that area myself. The problem, however, is the beginner's attitude that developing a "Super Power" will somehow make all of one's problems go away and make them seemingly invincible. A few even developing the idea of becoming superheroes if advancing far enough in psychokinesis.

While one could argue that even comic book superheroes had problems just like all other people (just look at Spiderman always having to protect MJ Watson from Venom and Green Goblin), that is not the point I am trying to make.

We are a part of this world with all it's ups and downs. We are connected to each other, to the earth, to the cosmos, and every thing within creation. We are each a small cell in the body of the universe and there is no escaping that for all the dreaming we have.

We are a part of this earth with all of it's beauty and horrors, and there is no mistaking that. If the masses try to deny that, then Nature responds back with her power and it always ends bad for us. just look at the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan or the recent tornadoes that have devastated mid-west town such as Joplin. People tried to escape their connection to this world in their power plants, technology, internet, and the like only to have it all destroyed in the blink of an eye. The real world did not care how disconnected these people were, but chose to bring them back to earth anyways.

(I am not saying that what happened is not tragic. Just looking at it from a different view point is all.)

While we can dream of a happier life filled with love and prosperity and make it come true, that does not mean that we can disconnect ourselves from this earth or that all of our problems will go away all at once or even at all. We will still have our lessons to learn, our parts in the cosmos to play, and the work of our divinity to uphold, and there is no escaping that.

Our sufferings strengthen us and help us to grow as human beings and as Gods. We learn nothing from cushy lives with no tribulations. I am not saying either that we have to play martyrs or that there is no hope for peace in our lives. I only say that we need not take a cowards way out.

We can make a life of our dreams if we so desire. We can have it all, but we cannot get away from being human on this earth. To think otherwise is fantasy.

To delve into impossibilities is fine and encouraged. Humans could never have invented helicopters and airplanes unless they dared to dream. But going too far into the impossible leads to fantasies of the realm of inflated egos and fear, and as a spiritual seeker, I try to avoid that. I need to keep my life in perspective, being able to reach into the heavens, yet keep my feet on the earth.

I suggest we all do the same.

LVX Amor!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

On Wishing and Desire

This is first of two posts on the topic on making wishes, following desire, and manifesting our lives. The second post will be up tommorrow. Hope you enjoy.

Make a wish! That phrase has been one of my mantras my whole life. The idea that a mere man (or woman) need only state their desire to whatever being: Djinnis, Faery Folk, Stars, or even God and then see that very thing we wanted more than anything else in life come forth in our lives in such a way as to transform us completely from the person that we were (whether that person was happy and filled with Loving-Kindness or miserable and desperate for a miracle) into someone fulfilled and ready to be present in their lives; has been a big part of my life.

Every child has wished on birthday candles and the first star they see in the night sky, and some go even further and wish on eyelashes and four-leaf clovers (if they can find one). Whether it was for survival in a troublesome home, a need to create peace, prosperity, and joy in the family, or even to fulfill an impossible childhood dream, every child has done so. It is the mindset of the young to believe that their desires can be fulfilled merely by asking for them. Their hearts and minds have not yet been tainted by the troubles of stress and adulthood.

Well allow me to let you in on a little secret. We all should believe in the power of our wishes and desires. Just because we have to work for a living, deal with difficult people, and experience stress in our lives does not mean we should give up on what we want.

On a popular humour website called: The Onion, an article was written making fun of the idea of a man expecting to be happy in life, since (of course) life is the opposite of Happy and never will be anything contrary to that. (Sadly, it has been a while since i have seen that article, so sadly, I won't be able to post a link on it.) While such a thought may be funny to the cynical, (being such a mortifying idealist) I do not believe it describes what is truly possible in life; and it bothered me to see such pessimism towards our numinous lives on the Earth.

Christ stated: "Ask and Ye Shall Receive." Just a simple five letter sentence, yes? No! All of our lives here in this sacred physical world can be explained in this statement. It is simple. If you have a difficult situation in life you need help in, a problem needing to be solved, or even a desire that you believe would lead to greater fulfillment in your life, all you need to do is ask for it to be granted and it shall happen. In other words: Make a Wish! And yet, so few people (from zealous christians and atheists to people of the more magical persuasion) take advantage of this. We can have it all. The life of our dreams is in our reach, we need only claim it.

In fact, why not take it a step further and say that our dreams are already existing in our lives and that we have yet to realize them? That is what many teachers of both the physical and astral variety have taught me, and while I have rejected such a saying in the past, thinking it ludicrous, sice I was still miserable at the time, I have come to accept it as a reality. The thing is that, at least in my own life, I have wished for some big life changing events to give me a life filled with great power, unconstrained freedom, and divine grace, and it wasn't until years later that I realized that I had already received those things in my life, despite my own pessimism that I would never get them.

But why even stop at the idea that we make a wish to a distant figure to solve our problems or that God has already granted them? My personal theology is that all things in creation are the expression of God experiencing itself as to create a cosmic dance of bright and shadow, life and death, and joy and misery revolvling around itself, fulfilling itself, and loving itself. And with such an idea comes to the stand point that we ourselves are Gods. I tell my mentees constantly that our energy creates our lives and that all people have the potential to manipulate reality. I say this out of my own experiences in my thinking and wishing creating either more chaos or more harmony in my life.

As God, what I focus on becomes true in my own life. My energy simply acts as the catalyst for that change. As a teenager in Middle and High School, I suffered much bullying and discrimination being a gay student who obsessed over things like magic and astral beings. It came to the point that I did not see myself as beautiful or deserving of love. I believed that I was a "Fugly Fag" as a girl once called me. And as such, I focused on my own alienation while at the same time the idea of trying to prove myself to the people who mocked me, and as consequence, I attracted more and more situations into my life bringing me more misery and shame.

It wasn't until after High School and after a personal low in life that I rose up from my feelings of inadequacy and self loathing and then away from not noticing the blessings already in my life and being undeserving of any future boons for me, that i came out of my shell and truly saw that I was a very happy and funny person. As such, I stopped bringing into life the situations that made me feel like crap, and have begun living in a flow where my needs are met and life has become much simpler for me, yet more involved.

The same works for everyone. As Gods ourselves, our worlds are formed by what we wish them to be. But going further, specific acts of wishing can create miracles in our lives. It is truly a beautiful thing. And the best part? By focusing on a desire, stating it and trusting in our God Souls, we can manifest ANYTHING into our lives. It really is that simple.

LVX Amor!

Friday, May 20, 2011

On the Rapture and the Divine Self

Greetings Seekers of the Metaphysical, Psychics, Magicians, Mystics, and Searchers of Personal truth and the Divine. I welcome you to my Blog. Here I will be dicussing my own personal insights on Immanence, Psychic and Magical Devolpment, and the Soul's Divine Nature. I hope you enjoy what I write down and have your questions answered.

I would have started off with an introductory post about myself, my personal path and so on, but since Tommorrow, May 21st is supposed to be a momentous occasion, I thought that a post about it would be more appropriate. So here goes.

Instead of worrying about a Global Rapture bringing everyone into Heaven, how about a more personal "Second Coming"? The return of One's Divine Nature, the Elevation of one's Spirit, the Immanence of the Cosmos, and the Transcendence of One's inspiration.

People seem to get so worried about the end of physical reality, but allow me to be a little bit offbeat and suggest that physical reality will never end as it is continuously self-perpetuating. Even if Planets are destroyed, all that energy reforms to become new suns, new moons, and new earths. And our spirits and consciousness, even if they do not meet a transcendant plane of paradise, continue on to exist as part of the universe as wind, heat, rain, stone, and any other natural aspect of our universe.

I believe that the "Rapture" is Not a global return to God as we are already God able to create our reality in any form we choose. We are what we choose to be and our energy follows suit. We already have the immanent consciousness of all planes and the transcendence of spirit to speak with the Source.

The problem is twofold. First, the majority of people on earth are not aware of this consciousness in their daily material lives. That is ultimately why we practice Psychic Phenomenon, Energy Working and Magic in the first place. To Acheive and Perceive what we are not normally aware of.

Second, is that most people, out of their inability to perceive the Numinous, then go on to blame this world (which is truly glorious and filled with miracles) as the reason of their suffering and, as such, a mass escapist ideal is born of a world devoid of the suffering and hardship that we face, when in truth, these difficulties are what bring us the wisdom, power, and enlightenment we seek to become greater than what we perceive ourselves to be. It becomes a case of: "The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side, despite the fact that where I am now may be even better than I realize."

I have a different idea for a "Rapture" or "Second Coming". instead of the return of an objective God-form bathed in brilliance and so on come to punish the guilty and save the righteous; such a thing would be much more internal and mystical.

Magicians and Mystics from all across time have sought the personal communion of their personal Gods, Highest Selves, Augoeides, Daemons, and Holy Guardian Angels. And through devoted spiritual practice, forgiveness of themselves and their "sins", Dark Nights of the Soul, and facing personal demons, such people came to the unity with the Source in consciousness and soul; many even becoming saints in the process.

Ultimately, in my opinion, such practices coincide with modern ideas of "Second Comings" and "Raptures". The return of a God-form is nothing more than the personal experience of one's highest self. The punishment of "sin" being no more than the con frontation with one's personal demons and vices. The periods of facing hardship and fear boil down to intense dark nights of the soul. And the end result is the blessings and grace of a life lived in spirit.

Such a "Rapture" would be an intense and sudden awakening of such intensity as to shake the very foundations of one's consciousness and transform one's life utterly and completely. The acknowledgement of One's Divine Nature and a new life in the Glory of the Numinous. Such a thing would be Beautiful beyond words.

The Bible states that NO ONE knows when a second coming will take place, not even Jesus, the Angels of Heaven nor the "Enemy" himself, save for the Father. Well guess what? the Father, in our case, need not be a powerful king in the sky dictating judgment upon us lowly mortals, but instead be the gentle voice of our God Souls guiding us towards Beauty and Happiness. Not a commanding voice instilling fear, but a Joyful voice instilling Eros and Agape. The Desire for greater peace, truth, and illumination in our lives and the Charity to be a light in the darkness for all others.

Say what you will but I believe that there is more to the picture than an "End of Days", but instead a new beginning of days as Gods Ourselves.

LVX Amor!