Thursday, July 21, 2011

On Power and Responsibility

"But you need to let go of your inhibitions and accept the reality you have wished for. You are the Wish Maker. You are a magician of such strength, that your desires manifest into reality at the drop of a hat. This is most likely your creation as is all of the joys and struggles you have experienced in the past." --Excerpt from Chapter Seven of my Writing Project: "Rise of the Magician"

What does power mean to you? Is it influence over the masses? Is it being in complete control of every facet of your life? It is a special gift allowing you access to the forces that permeate the worlds seen and unseen? Or is it being able to stay centered and focused no matter what happens in your life?

Whatever power means to you, the point is how you use it.

How would you use power? Would you use it to start a revolution? Would you use it to ascend in consciousness? Would you use it to inspire great change? Would you use to to fill your ego? Would you use it for your own personal gain? Would you use it to have earthly advantage over others? Would you create joy and love? Or would you create a new life for yourself?

I have considered using my own personal power for all of these reasons and more. Throughout my life, I have desired some great power to control my life and live higher than "lowly mortals". I have also thought of using it for philanthropy and enlivening others. But ultimately, now that I actually am in touch with a degree of my power, I use it to cultivate joy within myself and others. I see myself on the paths of Happiness and LovingKindness and try my bst to use such a path to further those in my life that are suffering, hurt, depressed, or simply downtrodden.

I have seen much pain and suffering, not just in my own life, but in the lives of many others. People not realizing their own power and then sacrificing it for the comforts of their own phobias and despair. This makes my heart ache.

I recently went out with a man, who was a beautiful soul and awakening on the path to his own power, and yet something happened with him. After a very intimate moment where our energies merged momentarily and we felt our presences in a higher state, he broke down. He began to talk about how life had suddenly turned downhill for him and that nothing seemed to turn out right. That it was he was somehow cursed or tormented.

With the highest amount of sympathy I could manage in that moment, I tried to console him, yet I told him outright that this was of his own making. His desires, his emotions, his beliefs and his thoughts had all been used in such a way as to focus on negativity and that in turn had attracted pain into his life. And yet, there was hope.

Despite the fact that our states of suffering are self-created, there is equal liberation in the thought that we can create even greater happiness and fulfillment for ourselves, and instead of living in a personal Hell, make a Heaven on Earth for ourselves.

I may not have reached my personal heaven yet, but I can testify to the fact that I have ascended far beyond my own despair and that I am living an enchanted life for it. And the best part? Anyone can do it too. We can all accept our power, instead of give it away, and then we can choose to use it with responsibility.

We do have the power to create bliss, to live with purpose, to connect ourselves to our spiritual center, and to manifest miracles. It is in the core of our being. I keep saying that Man is God on Earth, and I wholeheartedly believe it. Just as I create synchronicities in my life and find ecstasy in that, so may everybody else see that they too can create what they desire.

Something as small as a smile can literally change the world. A kind word to another can uplift them to a higher sense of awareness. And an act of service can enliven people to make a difference. That is our power. That is our purpose. One does not need Psychokinesis or super-powers to be powerful and change the world. It all lies in the Body, the Heart and the Mind governed under Spirit, the Soul we all share.

LVX Amor!

Friday, July 15, 2011

On Boy Wizards and Power

"Every Man and Woman is a Star!" --Aleister Crowley

Today, the final installment of the Harry Potter movie franchise was released today, and you know what? I am sick of hearing about it! Sick and tired of hearing about the boy wizard and his quest to defeat the "Dark Lord". Potter is not the first young man in fantasy literature to go to a wizard school and face off against evil, much less have dark hair, glasses, and a pet owl.

It was one of such previous works that truly inspired me on my path as a magician and mystic: Ursula Le Guin's "A Wizard of Earthsea". It is a book raising the fundamental question of what one would do if gifted with unlimited power, and provided me with much thought as to my own quest for power and illumination.

The story is about a young village boy, whose powers in magic propel him to be enrolled in a Bronze Age school for wizards, and in his ego and selfishness to prove himself, accidentally conjures Death from the Underworld and lets it loose upon his mythical world. The boy then finds himself on a quest to defeat Death and must overcome multiple temptations in the forms of dragons with secret knowledge, beautiful women with the intent of enslaving him and even his own allies overcome by his enemy, in order to fulfill his quest, eventually travelling to the edge of the land of the dead to overcome his opponent, which (SPOILER ALERT!) turns out to be part of himself. As Ged, the boy, defeats his shadow and becomes one with it, he resumes the full responsibilities of his manhood and returns back to the world of the living with greater knowledge and consciousness. Wow!

And in a strange way, I see Ged's struggle in my own life. I have been believed to be incredibly powerful by many members of the website and let that get into my ego, where such thoughts formed many personal demons which I had to overcome alone. In the end, I have come much closer to adulthood and embracing myself not as an idealized superhero of my childish fantasies, but as an empowered young man able to create my world in any way I choose.

We should all come to this realization about ourselves. That we do have power in our lives. That we can overcome our darkness. That we can be fully accountable for our lives and not suffer for it, but be enlivened by this instead.

This is the journey in Psychic/Magical development. To become the shining suns we were meant to be, and not just sheep in a flock. To take responsibility for our lives and our power. To grow into empowerment and wisdom. To be as Bright and Big and Beautiful as we need be.

Many leave this path with the dissappointment that their egos were not satisfied and that the pressures to actually grow as a human being were not what they had hoped for, and I say whizzers on them! The task of the magician is not entered into lightly. This is not the fancy free mayhem of Harry Potter, but the call to one's true nature of Ged in Earthsea.

LVX Amor!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

On Eros and Sexuality

This is a topic I have been wanting to write about for a while, and will most likely return to at some point in the future as it plays such an important part in my work as a Magician and a Mystic. That is right: Sex. But more importantly: the ever present creative impulse known to the ancient greeks as Eros.

I make no excuses. I enjoy being a sexual being and actively participate in that process. The joining of body and energy in pleasure is something I hold very sacred. The ideal of physical love and merging with another in celebration of life and creative power is something I heartily enjoy. I even make many jokes with my friends about being incredibly easy and promiscuous.

However, I must confess that it is not just a "screw" (a word I dislike using in approaching such an act) that I seek. It isn't that my partner has large genetalia or can work wonders with his body that draws me in. It is the life force. Plain and simple. The rush of energy that comes with the arousal and the subsequent activity is what truly gets me. The act of being fully alive in the world, connected with another soul in harmony, however brief, is what truly propels me towards this act.

And yet sadly, the sacredness of sexuality has been reduced to a dirty f*ck. Eros, the great god that inflames men's hearts with passion is left as a chubby baby in a diaper, instead of a powerful virile youth. The sexuality of the cosmos is left unnoticed. And the desires of man to join in union with another are left regarded as something either kinky or perverse. I do not believe that it should be in such a way.

You see, sex is not just the penetration of genetalia. It is so much more. It is Earthworms burrowing in the soil. It is the earth rising to meet a strike of lightning. It is flowers opening up to show their faces to the light of the sun. And it is the joining for forces in harmony and pleasure for eachother.

In many ancient cultures, it was sex that set the worlds in motion. To the greeks, the primordial Eros, the protogenos, mates with chaos and gives birth to the heavens and the earth and man and all gods. In the Hindu culture, the coupling of Shakti and Shiva created the universe and all within it. Even in witchcraft sects, such as the Anderson Feri Tradition, it is the Goddess whom falls in love with herself after seeing her reflection in the black mirror of space, and her subsequent masturbation and orgasm explodes outwards, giving birth to all things.

The point is that sexuality is the impulse that brings all life together, and then if in the right circumstances, actually creates new life. I see it as the most life affirming act there is, as what could be more life affirming than an act that creates new life?

Ultimately, it is better to be safe and cautious and to be involved with someone you love instead of just using someone for personal pleasure, I will add. However, that should not stop you from being avaliable to the miracle that exists.

It is our rights as human beings and gods to partake in this creative act. Our joy and ecstasy to kiss the limitless and be entwined in this cosmic dance. So don't think of it as something perverse or dirty. See it as it truly is: life entwined in rapturous embrace.

LVX Amor!